The firm provides a variety of various judicial collections services, including via telephone, filing claims, and initiating Enforcement and Collections Authority proceedings. The firm’s attorneys have many years of experience in debt collection and various Enforcement and Collections proceedings. Among others, our firm represents banking institutions, financing companies, leasing companies, commercial enterprises from various fields, and private clients.
As part of our firm’s activity, we represent those who win debt claims, file fixed-award claims, claims for the execution of a judicial ruling, vacate and removal proceedings, and receivership proceedings. Our firm has tremendous experience in the realization of liens on vehicles and selling the confiscated vehicles through receivership proceedings. The firm’s attorneys are appointed receivers, and through Enforcement and Collections officials, vehicles under lien are seized and sold through a bidding process that is frequently held through the firm’s staff. As part of the realization proceedings, the frim publishes calls for bids on vehicles that are published on the firm’s website, among other places, under the heading “news and events”.
The operational proceedings carried out by our firm against debtors include, among other things, bank and insurance company liens, equipment and chattel liens, wage garnishees, imposing restrictions on debtors, orders to receive, vehicular liens, vehicular confiscation and sale.
Our firm has a computer system connected through a software house directly to the Enforcement and Collections computers. Our firm uses the smart card platform to rapidly and efficiently place liens and take other actions in Enforcement and Collections files, saving significant money for our clients, by obviating the need to use messenger services in many cases.
Our firm permanently employs a variety of private investigators and Enforcement and Collections contractors who act in full cooperation with us to obtain rapid and enforcement collection for our clients.